Programme Management
Day to day running of the branch.
Programme Management branch is a unit within the National Malaria Elimination programme in the department t of public health.
The branch is charged with the responsibility to provide efficient administrative and programme support to all branches of the NMEP in response to its coordination of malaria programming across the country.
The branch is led by a head of branch and supported by officers responsible for the day to day running of the branch.
Programmed management is the overall umbrella for coordinating the component parts of this national Malaria policy; and this involves active participation and cooperation of all sectors working together with development partners with a view to ensure that services are scaled up, impact is monitored and policy strategy revised based on evidence when necessary. Achieving this mandate entails a continuous cycle of planning, implementation, evaluation and re-planning. These interrelated activities within the NMEP is facilitated by PM branch.
The terms of reference of the branch include;
- Ensuring effective coordination and information sharing with various branches of Programmed as well as that of RBM Partners.
- Organizing Annual Retreat for staff for the review of previous activities.
- The development of the annual plan and programmatic priorities.
- Organizing the annual retreat for review of State RBM Programmed implementation
- Organizes Coordination Meetings as at when due.
- Develop, update and track performance of Annual Work plan in collaboration with relevant branches.
- Responsible for capacity building activities for staff at all levels of implementation.
- Organizes all Malaria control programme events.
- Facilitate regular submission of reports to appropriate quarters as at when due.
- Liaises with programmes and line Ministries for effective implementation of malaria control activities.
- Ensures the integration of all training modules for malaria control programme into one harmonized training document.
- Support programme management efforts of the State programmes regularly.
- The Branch will serve as secretariat of the ATM –TWG Malaria subcommittee on programme management