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Our Mission

To free Nigerians from the scourge of malaria through leadership and coordination in developing policies, strategies, and guidelines that would ensure the delivery of high impact malaria interventions equitably with a high sense of accountability.

Oour Vision

A malaria free

Core Values

To reduce malaria burden to pre-elimination levels and bring malaria-related mortality to zero.

Who We Are

The National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) in Nigeria is the body responsible for formulating and facilitating policy and guidelines, coordinate the activities of partners and stakeholders on malaria control activities, provide technical support to states malaria programs, LGAs and stakeholders; mobilize resources, monitor and evaluate progress and outcomes in malaria elimination efforts across the country.

Globally, millions of deaths attributable to malaria are still being recorded. The disease constitutes a huge epidemiologic burden in Africa and continues to cripple the economic development in the region. In Nigeria, the disease is responsible for 60% of outpatient visits to health facilities, 30% of childhood deaths, 25% of deaths in children under one year, and 11% maternal deaths.

The financial loss due to malaria annually is estimated to be approximately 132 billion Naira in the form of treatment costs, prevention, and the loss of man-hours. Malaria is a treatable and completely evitable disease.

strategic Interventions

Roll Back Malaria in Nigeria anchors on the global strategies for malaria elimination which are multi-pronged and of proven efficacy. These include:

  • Prompt and effective case management
  • Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp)
  • Integrated vector management including use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), indoor residual spraying (IRS), and environmental management
  • Surveillance of malaria prevalence and monitoring and evaluation of interventions.

Other cross-cutting interventions include Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization, Effective Programme Management, Partnership and Collaboration.


Since the inception of the Roll Back Malaria Initiative set up to mobilise resources and actions against malaria, malaria control in Nigeria has resulted in critical milestones which have served to set the stage for the next phase in the implementation process: rapid scaling up of interventions; improved coordination of malaria programme; and establishment of the malaria Technical Working Group(TWG)

These milestones have led to the development and adoption of national policies and guidelines; development of training manuals; sensitization and training of health workers and stakeholders.

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