VIEW TERMS OF REFERENCE SEE TOR FOR APPLICATION Nigeria is ranked 152nd out of 157th…
Vacancy Notice – Consultants for MTR Activities, (PSM)
Malaria is endemic in Nigeria and remains one of the leading causes of childhood and maternal morbidity and mortality in the country. All Nigerians are at risk of malaria due to
living in areas with varying transmission intensities. Nigeria accounted for 27% of the 247
million cases of the global burden of the disease 0 31% of the 619 global malaria death
reported in the 2022 World Malaria Report (WHO, 2021). The financial loss due to malaria
annually is estimated to be ~132 billion Naira in the form of treatment cost, prevention and
loss of man-hours.
The National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), with the support of partners have
committed itself to a strategy of universal coverage for all malaria interventions as the
optimal approach to malaria control. The current Malaria strategic Plan covers the period
2021 and 2025 and is meant to achieve a parasite prevalence of less than 10% and reduce
mortality attributable to malaria to less than 50 deaths per 1,000 livebirths by 2025. Some of the
core interventions implemented by the programme include Integrated Vector Management
and its strategies include the use of Insecticide Treated Nets ITNss), indoor Residual
Spraying (IRS), Larval Source Management (Larviciding and Environmental Management)
and personal protective measures such as house screening, durable linings and the use of